HTTP semantic conventions declared stable

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Early this year, we launched an effort to stabilize HTTP semantic conventions. Today, we proudly announce that the HTTP semantic conventions are the first OpenTelemetry semantic conventions to be declared stable! This inaugural stable v1.23.0 release marks a substantial advancement from earlier versions, featuring:

  • Enhancements resulting from convergence with the Elastic Common Schema, such as:
    • The url.* namespace, which can be reused in the future by non-HTTP semantic conventions
    • Replacing the net.peer.* and* namespaces with client.* and server.*, which
      • Works better for logs, where there’s no span kind to indicate which side is peer and which side is host
      • Simplifies correlation across client and server telemetry (e.g. since you can join directly on server.address instead of joining where net.peer.addr ==
      • Provides a clean separation from the network.* namespace which is now only for low-level network attributes
    • More consistency around using the http.request.* and http.response.* namespaces
  • Improved consistency with Prometheus through standardization on seconds for metric units.
  • Streamlined attribute capture by omitting less useful attributes, reducing telemetry capture, processing, and storage costs.
  • Clarified the definition of default values, eliminating ambiguities when attributes are absent.
  • HTTP metrics are no longer vulnerable to cardinality explosion
    • http.request.method is limited to a (configurable) set of known methods
    • server.address and server.port, which are influenced by the Host header, are now Opt-In on HTTP metrics

Migration plan

Due to the significant number of modifications and the extensive user base affected by them, we require existing HTTP instrumentations published by OpenTelemetry to implement a migration plan that will assist users in transitioning to stable HTTP semantic conventions. We intend to use a similar strategy when stabilizing other semantic conventions.

Specifically, when existing HTTP instrumentations published by OpenTelemetry are updated to the stable HTTP semantic conventions, they:

  • Need to introduce an environment variable OTEL_SEMCONV_STABILITY_OPT_IN in their existing major version, which accepts:
    • http - emit the stable HTTP and networking conventions, and stop emitting the old HTTP and networking conventions that the instrumentation emitted previously.
    • http/dup - emit both the old and the stable HTTP and networking conventions, allowing for a phased rollout of the stable semantic conventions.
    • The default behavior (in the absence of one of these values) is to continue emitting whatever version of the old HTTP and networking conventions the instrumentation was emitting previously.
  • Need to maintain (security patching at a minimum) their existing major version for at least six months after it starts emitting both sets of conventions.
  • May drop the environment variable in their next major version and emit only the stable HTTP and networking conventions.

Summary of changes

In this section, we summarize the changes made to the HTTP semantic conventions from v1.20.0 to v1.23.0 (stable).

Common attributes across HTTP client and server spans

http.methodhttp.request.methodNow captures only 9 common HTTP methods by default (configurable) plus _OTHER
http.request.header.<key>• Dash ("-") to underscore ("_") normalization in <key> has been removed
• On HTTP server spans: now must be provided to sampler
http.response.header.<key>Dash ("-") to underscore ("_") normalization in <key> has been removed
http.request_content_lengthhttp.request.body.size• Recommended → Opt-In
Not marked stable yet
http.response_content_lengthhttp.response.body.size• Recommended → Opt-In
Not marked stable yet
user_agent.original• On HTTP client spans: Recommended → Opt-In
• On HTTP server spans: now must be provided to sampler
• See note if migrating from <= v1.18.0
net.protocol.namenetwork.protocol.nameRecommended → Conditionally required if not http and network.protocol.version is set
net.protocol.versionnetwork.protocol.version• Examples fixed: 2.02 and 3.03
• See note if migrating from <= v1.19.0
net.sock.peer.addrnetwork.peer.addressOn HTTP server spans: if http.client_ip was unknown, then also net.sock.peer.addrclient.address; client.address must be provided to sampler
net.sock.peer.portnetwork.peer.portNow captured even if same as server.port
New: http.request.method_originalOnly captured when http.request.method is _OTHER
New: error.typeNew


HTTP client span attributes

net.peer.portserver.portNow captured even when same as default port for scheme


HTTP server span attributes

http.routeNo change
http.targeturl.path and url.querySplit into two separate attributes
http.schemeurl.schemeNow factors in X-Forwarded-Proto, Forwarded#proto headers
http.client_ipclient.addressIf http.client_ip was unknown (i.e., no X-Forwarded-For, Forwarded#for headers), then net.sock.peer.addrclient.address; now must be provided to sampler based only on Host, :authority, X-Forwarded-Host, Forwarded#host headers based only on Host, :authority, X-Forwarded-Host, Forwarded#host headers


HTTP client and server span names

The {http.method} portion of span names is replace by HTTP when {http.method} is _OTHER.

See note if migrating from <= v1.17.0.


HTTP client duration metric

Metric changes:

  • Name: http.client.durationhttp.client.request.duration
  • Unit: mss
  • Description: Measures the duration of inbound HTTP requests.Duration of HTTP server requests.
  • Histogram buckets: boundaries updated to reflect change from milliseconds to seconds, and zero bucket boundary removed
  • Attributes: see table below
Attribute changeComments
http.methodhttp.request.methodNow captures only 9 common HTTP methods by default plus _OTHER
net.peer.portserver.portNow captured even when same as default port for scheme
net.protocol.namenetwork.protocol.nameRecommended → Conditionally required if not http and network.protocol.version is set
net.protocol.versionnetwork.protocol.versionExamples fixed: 2.02 and 3.03; see note if migrating from <= v1.19.0
New: error.typeNew


HTTP server duration metric

Metric changes:

  • Name: http.server.durationhttp.server.request.duration
  • Unit: mss
  • Description: Measures the duration of inbound HTTP requests.Duration of HTTP server requests.
  • Histogram buckets: boundaries updated to reflect change from milliseconds to seconds, and zero bucket boundary removed
  • Attributes: see table below
Attribute changeComments
http.routeNo change
http.methodhttp.request.methodNow captures only 9 common HTTP methods by default plus _OTHER
http.schemeurl.schemeNow factors in X-Forwarded-Proto span, Forwarded#proto span headers
net.protocol.namenetwork.protocol.nameRecommended → Conditionally required if not http and network.protocol.version is set
net.protocol.versionnetwork.protocol.versionExamples fixed: 2.02 and 3.03; see note if migrating from <= v1.19.0• Recommended → Opt-In (due to high-cardinality vulnerability since based on HTTP headers)
• Now based only on Host span, :authority span, X-Forwarded-Host span, Forwarded#host span headers• Recommended → Opt-In (due to high-cardinality vulnerability since based on HTTP headers)
• Now based only on Host span, :authority span, X-Forwarded-Host span, Forwarded#host span headers
New: error.typeNew


Migrating from a version earlier than v1.20.0?

Migrating from <= v1.19.0

  • http.flavornetwork.protocol.version
    • Examples fixed: 2.02 and 3.03

Migrating from <= v1.18.0

  • http.user_agentuser_agent.original

Migrating from <= v1.17.0

HTTP server span name

  • When http.route is available:
    {http.route}{summary} {http.route}
  • When http.route is not available:
    HTTP {http.method}{summary}

Where {summary} is {http.method}, unless {http.method} is _OTHER, in which case {summary} is HTTP.

HTTP client span name

  • HTTP {http.method}{summary}

Where {summary} is {http.method}, unless {http.method} is _OTHER, in which case {summary} is HTTP.

Community Kudos

This was a massive community effort: thanks to all who got involved! A special thanks to Liudmila Molkova for sharing her HTTP domain expertise, which helped drive this effort every step of the way.