Planned Migration for

With contributions from Tyler Yahn and Austin Parker.


The app that serves requests to will be migrating to a new host on September 5, 2024 at approximately 11:00AM Eastern Time. There are no changes required from you. We are making this announcement because it is possible, but unlikely, that there might be downtime during this transition.


OpenTelemetry is planning to migrate the application that serves all requests for to a new host project on September 5, 2024. On this date, the current DNS entries for will be updated to point to the new host.

This should be a seamless transition, but there is the possibility of downtime during this time. The OpenTelemetry engineers will be actively monitoring the transition to minimize the risk.

Affected resources

In the unlikely event of issues, the scope of these planned changes will affect Go package downloads for the following domains:


Note that this includes users of any of the following artifacts:

  • OpenTelemetry Go language libraries (including Contrib)
  • OpenTelemetry Go Auto-Instrumentation libraries
  • OpenTelemetry Collector libraries (including Contrib)
  • OpenTelemetry Collector Builder.

What you need to do

There is no action required from you. All imports using (and submodule paths, for example will continue to work. There are no plans to change this.

What you might notice

There is the possibility of the domain experiencing downtime during this transition. If this happens, you might see projects that import modules failing to compile.

This could occur due to several factors, including delays in DNS propagation or misconfiguration. We will have multiple maintainers working synchronously during this time to minimize any downtime that occurs.

If you experience any issues following this transition, please reach out on Slack #otel-go or create an issue over opentelemetry-go-vanityurls.

Why are we making this change?

This transition both helps modernize the application serving requests and handles an ownership transfer, ensuring that we are able to continue providing OpenTelemetry Go packages in a secure and robust manner.

For more details, see the community GitHub issue proposing this change.