Posts in 2024
  • Abandoned Go Contrib modules need code owners or will be removed

    Tuesday, May 28, 2024 in 2024

    The Go SIG will remove the code of contrib modules that lack code owners starting August 21, 2024. Published packages and releases will be marked as deprecated, though they’ll remain available for download. Currently unowned modules include the …

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  • OpenTelemetry Java Metrics Performance Comparison

    Friday, May 24, 2024 in 2024

    Arguably the biggest value proposition of OpenTelemetry is that it aims to be a language agnostic, general purpose observability standard. By providing tools for traces, metrics, and logs (and profiling coming soon!), and implementations across many …

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  • Introducing the new container log parser for OpenTelemetry Collector

    Wednesday, May 22, 2024 in 2024

    Filelog receiver is one of the most commonly used components of the OpenTelemetry Collector, as indicated by the most recent survey. According to the same survey, it’s unsurprising that Kubernetes is the leading platform for Collector …

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  • Things You Might Not Have Known About the OpenTelemetry Operator - An OTel Operator Q&A

    Monday, May 13, 2024 in 2024

    The OpenTelemetry (OTel) Operator is a Kubernetes Operator that manages OTel for you in your Kubernetes cluster to make life a little easier. It does the following: Manages deployment of the OpenTelemetry Collector, supported by the …

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  • Insights from the OpenTelemetry Collector Survey

    Wednesday, May 08, 2024 in 2024

    The OpenTelemetry (OTel) Collector has become a cornerstone tool for observing and monitoring modern software applications. Recently, the End User SIG conducted a survey to gather feedback from users about their experiences with the OTel Collector. …

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  • The roadmap to v1 for the OpenTelemetry Collector

    Monday, May 06, 2024 in 2024

    The OpenTelemetry Collector is a very popular component in OpenTelemetry that has been under heavy development for quite some time. It is a binary that allows many formats of telemetry to be sent to it, transformed, and emitted to a destination. Much …

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  • Dude, where's my error? How OpenTelemetry records errors

    Friday, April 19, 2024 in 2024

    Depending on the language you’re used to developing in, you may have certain ideas about what an error is, as well as what constitutes an exception and how it should be handled. For example, Go doesn’t have exceptions, partly to discourage …

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  • Manage OpenTelemetry Collectors at scale with Ansible

    Monday, April 15, 2024 in 2024

    You can scale the deployment of OpenTelemetry Collector across multiple Linux hosts through Ansible, to function both as gateways and agents within your observability architecture. Using the OpenTelemetry Collector in this dual capacity enables a …

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  • OpenTelemetry announces support for profiling

    Tuesday, March 19, 2024 in 2024

    In 2023, OpenTelemetry announced that it achieved stability for logs, metrics, and traces. While this was our initial goal at the formation of the project, fulfilling our vision of enabling built-in observability for cloud native applications …

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  • Getting started with otelsql, the OpenTelemetry instrumentation for Go SQL

    Monday, March 04, 2024 in 2024

    otelsql is an instrumentation library for the database/sql library of the Go programming language. It generates traces and metrics from the application when interacting with databases. By doing that, the library allows you to identify errors or …

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