Posts in 2024
Posts in 2023
  • The Humans of OpenTelemetry

    Friday, December 22, 2023 in 2023

    What a year it has been for OpenTelemetry! The OTel Demo turned 1, the OpenTelemetry project announced general availability of the OpenTelemetry specification, Trace-Based Testing was added to the OTel Demo, we saw some exciting OTel integrations, …

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  • Observe your Spring Native Image application with OpenTelemetry

    Friday, December 08, 2023 in 2023

    The OpenTelemetry Java agent is a convenient and well-established way to instrument Java applications. However, as of today it is not possible to use it with GraalVM Native Images. To provide you with an easy and seamless way for Spring Boot Native …

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  • OpenTelemetry in Focus: Wrapping Up a Successful 2023

    Wednesday, December 06, 2023 in 2023

    As we approach the end of an eventful year, we’re announcing that “OpenTelemetry in Focus”, our platform for sharing updates about the OpenTelemetry project, is taking an end-of-year break after ten successful editions in 2023. Over …

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  • Receive any custom metric with the OpenTelemetry Collector

    Thursday, November 30, 2023 in 2023

    While OpenTelemetry (OTel) is here to help you with troubleshooting and handling the “unknown unknowns”, it is also instrumental for managing route tasks like monitoring system metrics, like disk usage, server availability or SSL …

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  • OTel component performance benchmarks

    Monday, November 27, 2023 in 2023

    As more and more users are looking to use OpenTelemetry instrumentation in their production deployments, one important consideration is the impact that OpenTelemetry will have on their application performance. In this blog post I will discuss a few …

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  • Collecting Logs with OpenTelemetry Python

    Tuesday, November 21, 2023 in 2023

    In the following, we will walk through how to do logs collection with OpenTelemetry (OTel). To keep things simple, we will use Python as the demonstration programming language, however note that at time of writing the logs support there is still …

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