
A resource represents the entity producing telemetry as resource attributes. For example, a process producing telemetry that is running in a container on Kubernetes has a process name, a pod name, a namespace, and possibly a deployment name. All four of these attributes can be included in the resource.

In your observability backend, you can use resource information to better investigate interesting behavior. For example, if your trace or metrics data indicate latency in your system, you can narrow it down to a specific container, pod, or Kubernetes deployment.

If you use the Java agent for zero-code instrumentation you can setup resource detection through agent configuration.

For manual instrumentation, you will find some introductions on how to set up resource detection below.

Detecting resources from common environments

You can use ResourceProviders for filling in attributes related to common environments, like Container, Host or Operating System. These can be used with or without autoconfiguration.

To use those providers, add the following dependency:

dependencies {

Next you can use them like the following in your code:

import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.ContainerResource;
import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.HostResource;
import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.OsResource;
import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.ProcessResource;
import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.ProcessRuntimeResource;

    Resource resource = Resource.getDefault()
        .put(ResourceAttributes.SERVICE_NAME, "dice-service")

Adding resources in code

Custom resources can be configured in your code like the following:

Resource resource = Resource.getDefault()
        .put(ResourceAttributes.SERVICE_NAME, "dice-service")
        .put(ResourceAttributes.SERVICE_VERSION, "0.1.0")
        .put(ResourceAttributes.SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID, "dice-service-1")
        .put(ResourceAttributes.HOST_NAME, System.getenv("HOSTNAME"))
        .put(ResourceAttributes.PROCESS_PID, ProcessHandle.current().pid())

SdkTracerProvider sdkTracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()

SdkMeterProvider sdkMeterProvider = SdkMeterProvider.builder()

SdkLoggerProvider sdkLoggerProvider = SdkLoggerProvider.builder()

Next steps

Besides the Standard OpenTelemetry Resource Providers shown in the samples above, there are more resource providers that you can add to your configuration. These include: