CI/CD Pipeline Attributes

This group describes attributes specific to pipelines within a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) system. A pipeline in this case is a series of steps that are performed in order to deliver a new version of software. This aligns with the Britannica definition of a pipeline where a pipeline is the system for developing and producing something. In the context of CI/CD, a pipeline produces or delivers software.

cicd.pipeline.namestringThe human readable name of the pipeline within a CI/CD system.Build and Test; Lint; Deploy Go Project; deploy_to_environmentExperimental
cicd.pipeline.resultstringThe result of a pipeline run.success; failure; timeout; skippedExperimental unique identifier of a pipeline run within a CI/CD system.120912Experimental pipeline run goes through these states during its lifecycle.pending; executing; finalizingExperimental
cicd.pipeline.task.namestringThe human readable name of a task within a pipeline. Task here most closely aligns with a computing process in a pipeline. Other terms for tasks include commands, steps, and procedures.Run GoLang Linter; Go Build; go-test; deploy_binaryExperimental unique identifier of a task run within a pipeline.12097Experimental URL of the pipeline run providing the complete address in order to locate and identify the pipeline run.
cicd.pipeline.task.typestringThe type of the task within a; test; deployExperimental
cicd.system.componentstringThe name of a component of the CICD system.controller; scheduler; agentExperimental
cicd.worker.statestringThe state of a CICD worker / agent.idle; busy; downExperimental

cicd.pipeline.result has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

cancellationThe pipeline run was cancelled, eg. by a user manually cancelling the pipeline run.Experimental
errorThe pipeline run failed due to an error in the CICD system, eg. due to the worker being killed.Experimental
failureThe pipeline run did not finish successfully, eg. due to a compile error or a failing test. Such failures are usually detected by non-zero exit codes of the tools executed in the pipeline run.Experimental
skipThe pipeline run was skipped, eg. due to a precondition not being met.Experimental
successThe pipeline run finished successfully.Experimental
timeoutA timeout caused the pipeline run to be interrupted.Experimental has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

executingThe executing state spans the execution of any run tasks (eg. build, test).Experimental
finalizingThe finalizing state spans from when the run has finished executing (eg. cleanup of run resources).Experimental
pendingThe run pending state spans from the event triggering the pipeline run until the execution of the run starts (eg. time spent in a queue, provisioning agents, creating run resources).Experimental

cicd.pipeline.task.type has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.


cicd.worker.state has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

availableThe worker is not performing work for the CICD system. It is available to the CICD system to perform work on (online / idle). [1]Experimental
busyThe worker is performing work for the CICD system.Experimental
offlineThe worker is not available to the CICD system (disconnected / down).Experimental

[1]: Pipelines might have conditions on which workers they are able to run so not every worker might be available to every pipeline.