
Geo Attributes

Geo fields can carry data about a specific location related to an event. This geolocation information can be derived from techniques such as Geo IP, or be user-supplied. Note: Geo attributes are typically used under another namespace, such as client.* and describe the location of the corresponding entity (device, end-user, etc). Semantic conventions that reference geo attributes (as a root namespace) or embed them (under their own namespace) SHOULD document what geo attributes describe in the scope of that convention.

geo.continent.codestringTwo-letter code representing continent’s name.AF; AN; ASDevelopment ISO Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha2).CADevelopment
geo.locality.namestringLocality name. Represents the name of a city, town, village, or similar populated place.Montreal; BerlinDevelopment
geo.location.latdoubleLatitude of the geo location in WGS84.45.505918Development
geo.location.londoubleLongitude of the geo location in WGS84.-73.61483Development
geo.postal_codestringPostal code associated with the location. Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code and will vary widely from country to country.94040Development
geo.region.iso_codestringRegion ISO code (ISO 3166-2).CA-QCDevelopment

geo.continent.code has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

NANorth AmericaDevelopment
SASouth AmericaDevelopment