Semantic Conventions for Database Calls and Systems

Status: Experimental

This document defines semantic conventions for database client spans as well as database metrics and logs.

Warning Existing database instrumentations that are using v1.24.0 of this document (or prior) SHOULD NOT change the version of the database conventions that they emit until a transition plan to the (future) stable semantic conventions has been published. Conventions include, but are not limited to, attributes, metric and span names, and unit of measure.

Semantic conventions for database operations are defined for the following signals:

  • DB Spans: Semantic Conventions for database client spans.
  • DB Metrics: Semantic Conventions for database operation metrics.

Technology specific semantic conventions are defined for the following databases:

  • AWS DynamoDB: Semantic Conventions for AWS DynamoDB.
  • Cassandra: Semantic Conventions for Cassandra.
  • Cosmos DB: Semantic Conventions for Microsoft Cosmos DB.
  • CouchDB: Semantic Conventions for CouchDB.
  • Elasticsearch: Semantic Conventions for Elasticsearch.
  • HBase: Semantic Conventions for HBase.
  • MongoDB: Semantic Conventions for MongoDB.
  • MSSQL: Semantic Conventions for MSSQL.
  • Redis: Semantic Conventions for Redis.
  • SQL: Semantic Conventions for SQL databases.