
How to manage your OpenTelemetry collector deployment at scale

This document describes how you can manage your OpenTelemetry Collector deployment at scale.

To get the most out of this page you should know how to install and configure the collector. These topics are covered elsewhere:

  • Quick Start to understand how to install the OpenTelemetry Collector.
  • Configuration for how to configure the OpenTelemetry Collector, setting up telemetry pipelines.


Telemetry collection at scale requires a structured approach to manage agents. Typical agent management tasks include:

  1. Querying the agent information and configuration. The agent information can include its version, operating system related information, or capabilities. The configuration of the agent refers to its telemetry collection setup, for example, the OpenTelemetry Collector configuration.
  2. Upgrading/downgrading agents and management of agent-specific packages, including the base agent functionality and plugins.
  3. Applying new configurations to agents. This might be required because of changes in the environment or due to policy changes.
  4. Health and performance monitoring of the agents, typically CPU and memory usage and also agent-specific metrics, for example, the rate of processing or backpressure-related information.
  5. Connection management between a control plane and the agent such as handling of TLS certificates (revocation and rotation).

Not every use case requires support for all of the above agent management tasks. In the context of OpenTelemetry task 4. Health and performance monitoring is ideally done using OpenTelemetry.


Observability vendors and cloud providers offer proprietary solutions for agent management. In the open source observability space, there is an emerging standard that you can use for agent management: Open Agent Management Protocol (OpAMP).

The OpAMP specification defines how to manage a fleet of telemetry data agents. These agents can be OpenTelemetry collectors, Fluent Bit or other agents in any arbitrary combination.

Note The term “agent” is used here as a catch-all term for OpenTelemetry components that respond to OpAMP, this could be the collector but also SDK components.

OpAMP is a client/server protocol that supports communication over HTTP and over WebSockets:

  • The OpAMP server is part of the control plane and acts as the orchestrator, managing a fleet of telemetry agents.
  • The OpAMP client is part of the data plane. The client side of OpAMP can be implemented in-process, for example, as the case in OpAMP support in the OpenTelemetry Collector. The client side of OpAMP could alternatively be implemented out-of-process. For this latter option, you can use a supervisor that takes care of the OpAMP specific communication with the OpAMP server and at the same time controls the telemetry agent, for example to apply a configuration or to upgrade it. Note that the supervisor/telemetry communication is not part of OpAMP.

Let’s have a look at a concrete setup:

OpAMP example setup
  1. The OpenTelemetry Collector, configured with pipeline(s) to:
    • (A) receive signals from downstream sources
    • (B) export signals to upstream destinations, potentially including telemetry about the collector itself (represented by the OpAMP own_xxx connection settings).
  2. The bi-directional OpAMP control flow between the control plane implementing the server-side OpAMP part and the collector (or a supervisor controlling the collector) implementing OpAMP client-side.

You can try out a simple OpAMP setup yourself by using the OpAMP protocol implementation in Go. For the following walkthrough you will need to have Go in version 1.19 or above available.

We will set up a simple OpAMP control plane consisting of an example OpAMP server and let an OpenTelemetry Collector connect to it via an example OpAMP supervisor.

First, clone the open-telemetry/opamp-go repository:

git clone

Next, we need an OpenTelemetry Collector binary that the OpAMP supervisor can manage. For that, install the OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib distro. The path to the collector binary (where you installed it into) is referred to as $OTEL_COLLECTOR_BINARY in the following.

In the ./opamp-go/internal/examples/server directory, launch the OpAMP server:

$ go run .
2023/02/08 13:31:32.004501 [MAIN] OpAMP Server starting...
2023/02/08 13:31:32.004815 [MAIN] OpAMP Server running...

In the ./opamp-go/internal/examples/supervisor directory create a file named supervisor.yaml with the following content (telling the supervisor where to find the server and what OpenTelemetry Collector binary to manage):

  endpoint: ws://


Note Make sure to replace $OTEL_COLLECTOR_BINARY with the actual file path. For example, in Linux or macOS, if you installed the collector in /usr/local/bin/ then you would replace $OTEL_COLLECTOR_BINARY with /usr/local/bin/otelcol.

Next, create a collector configuration as follows (save it in a file called effective.yaml in the ./opamp-go/internal/examples/supervisor directory):

        - job_name: otel-collector
          scrape_interval: 10s
            - targets: []
    collection_interval: 10s

  # NOTE: Prior to v0.86.0 use `logging` instead of `debug`.
    verbosity: detailed

      receivers: [hostmetrics, prometheus/own_metrics]
      exporters: [debug]

Now it’s time to launch the supervisor (which in turn will launch your OpenTelemetry Collector):

$ go run .
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Supervisor starting, id=01GRRKNBJE06AFVGQT5ZYC0GEK, type=io.opentelemetry.collector, version=1.0.0.
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Starting OpAMP client...
2023/02/08 13:32:54 OpAMP Client started.
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Starting agent /usr/local/bin/otelcol
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Connected to the server.
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Received remote config from server, hash=e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855.
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Agent process started, PID=13553
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Effective config changed.
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Enabling own metrics pipeline in the config<F11>
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Effective config changed.
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Config is changed. Signal to restart the agent.
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Agent is not healthy: Get "http://localhost:13133": dial tcp [::1]:13133: connect: connection refused
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Stopping the agent to apply new config.
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Stopping agent process, PID=13553
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Agent process PID=13553 successfully stopped.
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Starting agent /usr/local/bin/otelcol
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Agent process started, PID=13554
2023/02/08 13:32:54 Agent is not healthy: Get "http://localhost:13133": dial tcp [::1]:13133: connect: connection refused
2023/02/08 13:32:55 Agent is not healthy: health check on http://localhost:13133 returned 503
2023/02/08 13:32:55 Agent is not healthy: health check on http://localhost:13133 returned 503
2023/02/08 13:32:56 Agent is not healthy: health check on http://localhost:13133 returned 503
2023/02/08 13:32:57 Agent is healthy.

If everything worked out you should now be able to go to http://localhost:4321/ and access the OpAMP server UI where you should see your collector listed, managed by the supervisor:

OpAMP example setup

You can also query the collector for the metrics exported (note the label values):

$ curl localhost:8888/metrics
# HELP otelcol_receiver_accepted_metric_points Number of metric points successfully pushed into the pipeline.
# TYPE otelcol_receiver_accepted_metric_points counter
otelcol_receiver_accepted_metric_points{receiver="prometheus/own_metrics",service_instance_id="01GRRKNBJE06AFVGQT5ZYC0GEK",service_name="io.opentelemetry.collector",service_version="1.0.0",transport="http"} 322
# HELP otelcol_receiver_refused_metric_points Number of metric points that could not be pushed into the pipeline.
# TYPE otelcol_receiver_refused_metric_points counter
otelcol_receiver_refused_metric_points{receiver="prometheus/own_metrics",service_instance_id="01GRRKNBJE06AFVGQT5ZYC0GEK",service_name="io.opentelemetry.collector",service_version="1.0.0",transport="http"} 0

Other information

Dernière modification June 21, 2024: Update and fix textlinter (#4728) (22821f42)